Monday, July 20, 2009

MSA Fly Fishing Camp

While it's unlikely Atlantic salmon fly fishing will ever be as popular an activity as hockey, soccer, or football, it has a few advantages:

  • It's accessible to just about anyone, regardless of age or gender (provided they can travel to New Brunswick, where Atlantic salmon runs are legendary), though the sooner you begin learning, the longer you'll have to enjoy it.
  • Special exercise or conditioning consists primarily of ensuring your casting wrist and shoulder remains flexible, and the ability to "dream big" is constantly nurtured. And it has an upswing: the risk of broken bones is greatly decreased.
  • Any dietary needs are easily accommodated, though we tend to favor hearty, well-balanced meals in lieu of protein powder and egg white omelets.
  • Your coach won't yell at you or force you through excrutiating drills, but your guide will give you excellent instruction and help you cast for the biggest salmon possible.

We've partnered with the Miramichi Salmon Association to deliver at least one, and possibly two, youth fly fishing schools this August. Details are included on our website.

If you'd like to assist a youth in developing skills that provide lifelong fulfillment, consider this unique opportunity.

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