Thursday, September 24, 2009


Did you know both Gauls and Romans referred to the Atlantic salmon by its ability to leap? It was known as “salmo” in Gaellic, and “salar” in Roman – both mean “leaper.” In fact, Linnaeus used these words when he was codifying the names of species in the 18th century: Salmo salar.  Not much has changed over thousands of years. We’re seeing fall leapers daily as they travel up the river.

Our lodge is filled with anglers who have fished for Atlantic salmon for many years, and others who are working hard to land their first. Regardless of experience level, the first lesson learned is quite simple: it takes time, and it takes patience. And when it comes together, it’s nothing short of perfection!

On Monday a guest hooked and released a six pound grilse fishing with a spey rod and using a tube fly he tied himself. Other flies our anglers are finding successful are Undertakers, Ally Shrimps, and of course, the Black Bear Green Butt.

Our pools fish well in the low water, and with rain in the forecast we’re optimistic the seasonal change will continue making the fishing even better.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Autumn Arrives

The anticipation has been building for several weeks, and the arrival of autumn has not disappointed the expectations.  With leaves committing to colors, a few light frosts, and the promise of great fishing, the village is lively with fall anglers.

Today Miramichi Black Rapids Lodge kicks off the fall season. The grounds are groomed and arriving clients will help us christen a new fire pit overlooking the Miramichi River later this evening. Our low water pools have taken shape after the high water we had last month subsided, and we are ready to hit the river in search of the large hook bill Atlantic salmon returning to spawn.

Another recreation opportunity we’re welcoming this week is the opening of woodcock season. The thick cover in the New Brunswick woods provides a perfect habitat for these small game birds, and a morning amidst the spectacular foliage with a trained bird dog and guide adds another dimension to the sporting experience.

Welcome fall! We are looking forward to a fun season with great sportsmen from all over the world!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Memorable Season

Each fall we enjoy reflecting on the memories we make during our annual fishing season. At Miramichi Black Rapids Lodge, each of our guests lends their own unique qualities to create such special experiences, like Frank Logan who arrived by train from Ontario in early July for his first visit to MBR.

One evening on the water Frank and his guide, Darryl, began discussing a rock on the river which Darryl used as a landmark to designate one of our pools. He took the opportunity to explain how it signified where he should begin wading, and then where to fish. At some point in the conversation, they nicknamed the landmark “Kat’s Rock,” and decided they would have a plaque created and installed to make it an official marker.

Conditions on his first trip were not ideal but he said “You took care of me as promised,” and before he had gotten home he’d begun planning a return visit for later in the month.

We decided to surprise Frank for his return and painted "Kat’s Rock" in bright silver, and it almost glows at sunset. He was taken aback, though, because he’d also followed up on the joke and had ordered a plaque he intended to have installed! It will be installed prior to the close of the season and before the silver paint fades away.

The second trip proved more successful, with Frank landing a nice 9 lb. grilse, then catching and releasing another beautiful 18 lb. Atlantic salmon.  The fishing made him so happy he extended his trip for a few more days.

With just a hint of fall in the air, the leaves are on the precipice of changing colors. As usual the season has flown by, with only 37 fishing days remaining. It isn’t too late to plan a trip for a fall getaway. Contact us for additional details.