Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bonding Experiences

Only five weeks until the season opener on April 15. What better time than now to start planning your summer? If you are looking for the experience of a lifetime we have the opportunity you don’t want to miss. Both Mother’s Day (May 9) and Father’s Day (June 20) are approaching, and what better opportunity is there than spending a weekend with your children (or parents) at Miramichi Black Rapids Lodge?

Working with New Brunswick Parks and Tourism on the upcoming travel season, we’ve developed a package that allows children to come at practically no cost! See the Bonding Experience link on the New Brunswick Tourism Website for more information:

While we’re looking ahead on calendars, we will remind you of another opportunity later this summer: our fly-fishing clinic in August. Not only does it offer time on the river complete with fly-casting instructions, it also includes exposure to some cultural influences, like a scheduled tour of the Miramichi Salmon Association Hatchery. For more information check out the details on our website.

The Miramichi River has been an important part of the province history for many years. We hope its legacy will be shared with many future generations.

We look forward to seeing you on the river in about five weeks; start the countdown with us!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Now Available In German!

With a distinct interest in Atlantic salmon fishing, Miramichi Black Rapids Lodge decided to make it easier for our fellow outdoor enthusiasts in Germany by translating our website; going from English to German is as easy as a click on the German flag at the top of the page.

If you have friends, family or acquaintances who speak German, please share our new “adventure” with them as this site launches. It’s directly accessible at:

We are looking forward to developing new relationships with angling enthusiasts in Germany!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The River: Now and In The Future


Now that the exciting Winter Olympics are over, we can shift our focus to opening day of salmon season: tying flies, checking equipment, and packing our bags.  As we have mentioned it’s been a mild winter in New Brunswick compared to the last few. However, it is still unpredictable to say exactly when the ice on the river will recede.

Many who have been calling to book have been concerned about the number of salmon in the river. The numbers are not like they were thirty to fifty years ago. But as we’ve also mentioned, both the Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) and the Miramichi Salmon Association (MSA) are working hard to promote the longevity of the river systems. The spotlight should also shine on other organizations such as DFO, DNR, The University of New Brunswick (UNB) and the Miramichi Watershed Management committee (MWMC) for their hard work and dedication to improving the Atlantic salmon numbers, one project at a time.

Miramichi Black Rapids Lodge understands the history of the area and importance of the river to the community, which is one reason we have gone totally catch and release. Along with eight public outfitters and a number of private clubs we have become a member of the ASF’s Live Release Program. We want to support the hard work of all organizations focusing on the preservation and conservation of the Miramichi River.

A great way to follow the latest river challenges being faced is through the Miramichi Salmon Association (MSA). Their quarterly newsletter is very informative: 

So as you start tying your flies, please keep the future of the Miramichi River in mind. We look forward to seeing you on the river – in the next six weeks, and over the next 60 years!